Unlock Your Full Potential: Transform Your Body and Health with
Online Nutrition and Fitness Coaching

Do you finally want to get that lean, fit athletic-looking body you've always wanted?

If so, let me help.

Online coaching with Marco

My online nutrition and fitness coaching program is not for fitness models, professional bodybuilders or high-level athletes.

I help normal people become the best version of themselves.

Good things start to happen when you prioritise your health and keep your body in great shape. Not only will you feel better, but you'll also feel more confident, look great in clothes (or without), and have a positive influence in other areas of your life, such as family, work, and relationships.  

In other words, it will transform your life.

All you need to do is bring your goal and commitment. 

I'll provide the nutrition, exercise and lifestyle plan, guidance, and accountability. 

Then, add the secret ingredients, relentless consistency and patients, and you are on your way to becoming the best version of yourself.

Which of these areas do you need help with the most?

  • Are you healthy eating and exercise focused but haven't quite figured out your eating or exercise routine because you're unsure where to start?
  • Do you have an exercise routine that you enjoy but haven't quite figured out the eating part?
  • Do you have an idea of what you should be eating but are unsure about the exercise part?
  • Do you have a way of eating and exercising that works for you but struggle to stay consistent every day? 

Where ever you are in your health and fitness journey, I'm ready to help.

Here's what you can expect from my online nutrition and fitness coaching

Once you become a client, I'd like to get to know you better. I want to learn about your goals and what you want to achieve. I'd also like to learn more about your current eating, exercise and lifestyle habits. 

We will then work together to develop a plan for your goals, needs and preferences. I won't give you a diet, meal plan, food rules or long, crazy workouts to do. Besides, meal plans, diets and long, crazy workouts are not sustainable.

Instead, I'll show you how to build healthy habits with eating, exercise and lifestyle and give you the skills and tools you need to get into and stay in great shape long term, like for life.

Next, we will break your goals down into small, doable daily practices. This way, you'll progress towards your goals with confidence and without feeling overwhelmed and build habits that last a lifetime. 

I'll be your guide and support throughout your entire journey. I will also provide the accountability you need to help you stay consistent, no matter what life throws at you. 

I'll provide a full support system with a human-to-human connection. You can contact me whenever you have a question or need that extra support via our online platform, phone call or text.

We're in this together.

Here's what some of my clients say

I started training with Marco in August 2015. I had just started to recover from a serious illness and was in bad shape physically being some 117 kgs and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 

I had reservations about ever being really fit again and had given up many of the things I had enjoyed doing earlier in my life e.g. snow skiing, bush walking and swimming. I had hoped to lose some weight and get back to a more active life.

Marco set a training routine and nutrition plan for me and offered advice on my approach to training. He dismissed my reservations about my ability to get fit and it became clear that things could change with early success in my weight and my enjoyment of his approach to training.

I now weigh in at 92 kgs a loss of 25 kgs over the three years. My type two diabetes has disappeared. I have returned to skiing, bushwalking and swimming and feel very much more able to cope with the physical demands of day to day life.

Marco is a skilled coach who has changed my life for the better and I can only highly recommend him to anyone looking for a coach!

Patrick C.

I started training with Marco just a little over two years ago. I needed motivation to keep on with an exercise program. Marco designed a nutrition program and exercise program with a gradual building up in cardio and strength training without leaving each session feeling exhausted. 

My goals were weight loss and increased fitness. I now feel a lot fitter, stronger, less tired through the day and eating better. I also dropped a dress size and found my clothes fit a lot better. 

Very glad that I met Marco when I did. I had taken a three month membership previously at a gym and only visited three times to use the treadmill. With no advice or support I was uncommitted. I would suggest that anyone who lacks motivation, unsure about what training to do for the best results, engage in a coach.

Judy A.

Over the 5 weeks I trained with Marco my number one goal was getting below 10% body fat and gaining a greater understanding of nutrition.

Over the five week period I achieved my goal of getting below 10% body fat and because of the time I spent training with Marco I have been able to maintain it.

Nick W.

I was after a nutrition coach in order to get my body fat index down as well as improving my metabolism. At 65 I needed a consistent approach. Marco was just right for me. My nutrition was sorted straight away so I understood the food balance and variety I needed to eat to be healthy.  Over the course of 6 months I reduced my waste from 38 jeans to 32. My mass reduced from 88/90 Kgs to a steady 82 Kgs . The ongoing advice and guidance I received keep me on track. Marco provided a range of strength training exercises which dramatically improved my physique. Well worth it. Thanks Marco.

Jon G.

Is online nutrition and fitness coaching right for you?

Online nutrition and fitness coaching is right for you if:

You want to get healthier, fitter and maintain it for life.

This program is for normal people who want to transform their bodies - lose body fat, build muscle and fitness, gain confidence, get results that last, maintain your vitality as you age, and let go of dieting.

You've had enough of short term, "quick fix" programs that promise:

Six weeks to six-pack abs. 

Melt three dress sizes in time for summer.

Lose 10 kgs in two months on some crash diet only to struggle afterwards and gain it all back.

You're willing to try something different and dedicate time to get long-lasting, sustainable results.

If you've tried diets or weight loss programs before and "failed" or just can't stick with them, know that you're not alone, and it's not your fault. 

Short-term programs are sometimes useful for specific populations like athletes to prepare for a competition or fitness models to prepare for an event. However, for most people, these short-term programs won't help you get sustainable results to help you stay in great shape for good.

In all honesty, it takes time to develop the habits and life skills that are necessary to achieve great results for a lifetime. 

That's why I don't follow short-term, "quick fix" diets, programs, or fads. Instead, I'll teach you doable daily actions designed to fit into a busy lifestyle and help you make fitness and nutrition a part of your life without it taking over.

You want the support and guidance of an expert to hold you accountable and keep you consistent through the program.

I'll work closely with you to help you eat well and exercise, no matter what other distractions are going on in your life. Let me take care of the nutrition details and fitness, so you don't have to.

Why listen to me?

Hanging L-sit

Although I'm a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer, I've been involved with health, weight loss, and fitness most of my life.

I've never been overweight. But I understand the struggle and what it takes to maintain a healthy weight and get in great shape because I have maintained a healthy weight and stayed in shape most of my life. 

Managing your weight and staying in shape is not easy. It takes consistent work and patients.

But, I believe you have what it takes to manage your weight and get in great shape, providing you understand some basic principles and put in the work. I will guide and support you the entire way.

I have partnered with Precision Nutrition (PN) and use their ProCoach program. Used by over 100,000 people, the program's track record and success speak for itself!

With a dedicated coach (me) and the online coaching platform, I will help you build the skills you need with your eating, exercise and lifestyle to make consistent progress and achieve your goals. 

What you can expect from the PN coaching program

Even though this is an older video of the PN program, check out some of the amazing results clients have achieved while using the program. 

This short video shows what you can expect from the PN coaching program.

What is the price of 1:1 online nutrition and fitness coaching?

$60 per week paid monthly 

($240/month) Cancel anytime

  • Personal nutrition, fitness and lifestyle coaching.
  • Nutrition plan with macros, calories, and portions personalised for your goals, body, and eating preferences.
  • Personal fitness and workout program updated regularly.   
  • Unlimited access to your coach (me). I'm only a text away.
  • Delivered on an easy-to-use platform, you can take anywhere.

If you are tired of doing it alone and are serious about seeing results and putting in the effort, I would love to work with you.

If you have a question or inquiry, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to help. 

If you would like to apply for online nutrition and fitness coaching, please use the form below. Once I receive your form, I will be in touch so we can set up a time for a chat to discuss your goals and what you would like to achieve. I'm looking forward to working with you ðŸ˜ƒ.

Apply for coaching

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Precision Nutrition